Holiday Bonus with ENHANCE (S1-06)

Andy Richardson Season 1 Episode 6

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In this special first-ever holiday episode, I sit down with my daughter and our ENHANCE Podcast Producer, Madeline, as we reflect on the journey of the ENHANCE podcast. We explore the evolution of the AEC industry, the technological advancements we've witnessed, and how these changes have shaped the growth of our podcast. We'll also discuss the innovations and transformations within our sponsor, 29E6!

As we look back on the highs and lows of 2024, we explore the challenges faced by professionals in the AEC industry, the lessons learned, and the innovations I’ve witnessed. This episode isn’t just about reflection; we also share our exciting plans for 2025, including new topics, upcoming guests, and fresh insights aimed at pushing the boundaries of the AEC industry.

Tune in for a heartfelt conversation about the past and a forward-thinking look at how we’ll continue to enhance the AEC industry through the podcast in the year ahead!

At ENHANCE, we’re dedicated to uncovering the “why” of industry professionals and sharing their unique stories.

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Thank you for your support, and God bless!

Brought to you by 29e6.co.

00:00:00:18 - 00:00:04:16
Andy Richardson
Okay, well, that was a good episode, I think. What did you think?

00:00:04:17 - 00:00:14:14
Madeline Richardson
I thought that was a good episode. I was in it. Yeah. I think we hit the highs and lows of the podcast, and I definitely enjoyed recording this one. What did you think?

00:00:14:21 - 00:00:41:22
Andy Richardson
Yeah, I thought it was fun. I mean, it was a different episode. You know, it's our holiday bonus. So, what is a holiday bonus? We cover all of that. I mean, it's basically a bonus episode during the holiday season. Right. And, you know, we're still experimenting what 26 is all about. So, you know, it's just a different kind of episode where we are going over, looking back, looking forward of 2024 and also the podcast itself.

00:00:41:28 - 00:01:05:19
Andy Richardson
I know we're new and infant in our, you know, in the podcast, but it's an opportunity to still look back on what we've done so far and then look forward at what we want to continue to do in 2025 as a podcast, as a company, the 2096 company that that basically is the sponsor of the enhanced podcast. And also a little bit about me and a little bit about the AEC industry at large.

00:01:05:22 - 00:01:13:18
Andy Richardson
So, was there anything that you found funny or interesting or particularly notable?

00:01:13:20 - 00:01:31:25
Madeline Richardson
Particularly notable, I guess the whole we went over AI and, you know, common trends in 2024. And I thought, I thought that was interesting despite because I had to read off the, the monitor thing and I thought that was going to be scary. So I thought I liked talking about that. And I thought that that subject was interesting.

00:01:31:26 - 00:01:32:02
Madeline Richardson

00:01:32:02 - 00:02:00:10
Andy Richardson
So the AI concept and the topic. Yeah, we definitely talked about that. And I think it's a it's fun to talk about things live because you don't know exactly what's going to be drawn out, but I was I enjoyed talking about where 26 heads come from and how that's impacted my personal life. Right? Right. I mean, as far as the project executive, the project managers, it's a big deal for the company of 2026.

00:02:00:10 - 00:02:27:18
Andy Richardson
And it's also been a big impact on me and 2024 because, 2020, you know, 2 or 3 years ago was a tough time because we had some attrition and now we we brought some people back and we've grown back again. And so, it was it was fun to talk about that and, and, how that impacted everything.

00:02:27:20 - 00:02:31:12
Madeline Richardson
So y'all enjoyed this episode.

00:02:31:15 - 00:02:32:13
Andy Richardson
Yeah. That sounds good.

00:02:32:13 - 00:02:46:21
Andy Richardson
Hey everybody. My name is Andy Richardson and I'm a structural engineer. I've been doing this for 26 years, and I'm still on a journey to learn more about the AEC industry and what drives people in the AEC industry. Let's go ahead and jump to the intro.

00:02:51:10 - 00:02:58:19
Madeline Richardson
Welcome to enhance, an AEC podcast, where we learn the why behind AEC professionals so that you can learn your why.

00:02:59:05 - 00:03:16:17
Madeline Richardson
Hey, welcome to our first official holiday episode for enhance. So it's been a busy year. We started out our podcast, and, I think today we're just going to go over, you know, 2024 in review and what we're looking forward to in the future. So what do you want to start with?

00:03:16:19 - 00:03:40:22
Andy Richardson
Yeah. So what I want to start with yeah I mean thanks everybody for jumping on this show again. If you got here today, it's, recording pre-Christmas, but for you, this might be Christmas Day. So it's like opening up a a great gift of a podcast. But, you know, more than likely you might be listening to it a few days after Christmas or New Year's 2025.

00:03:40:24 - 00:04:07:19
Andy Richardson
Right. And so what we wanted to do is and we haven't been very long into this, right? I only done six episodes of till now, but we wanted to go ahead and look back, look forward. The new year is always a good time to do that. And looking back, looking forward is a lean concept, an agile concept. And we like to run agile at our office at 2986 and.

00:04:07:21 - 00:04:32:11
Andy Richardson
Yeah, so agile is, you know, a project management system. But looking back, looking forward goes into that, right? You look back, you look forward. And from looking back you learn about what you can improve. And so I thought it would be fun and cool to have a holiday bonus. But also look back, look forward on the four aspects of my life that are important, which is me.

00:04:32:13 - 00:04:35:17
Andy Richardson
And also that's important for me.

00:04:35:20 - 00:04:38:26
Madeline Richardson
And my life. It's me.

00:04:38:29 - 00:04:59:12
Andy Richardson
So that's part of it. And then also talking about the podcast itself, looking back like who we had, let's let's set some high points, some low points. And then, you know, what are we looking forward to on the podcast? As far as the company 2096 and our business insights into engineering, what are some things that have changed?

00:04:59:12 - 00:05:24:15
Andy Richardson
So kind of an announcement, I guess, of some things. And then also looking forward to things that are coming in 2025 and then the AEC industry, some things that we've seen in 2024. Seems that things that I've seen in 2024 as trends or things that have happened, and then also what we see for 2025. So that's a bit of a tone of the episode.

00:05:24:18 - 00:05:35:22
Madeline Richardson
Yeah, it sounds about right. So I guess we're just going to dive right in and talk about you. How do you how do you think that you've grown this year? I mean, just speaking for the podcast.

00:05:35:24 - 00:06:01:18
Andy Richardson
So for the podcast, yeah. I mean, individually, I've seen a lot of good things, a lot of a lot of challenges with, you know, running a company, you know, all these things go hand in hand for me because I'm in the AEC industry. I'm in the 2096 business, the engineering business. And, and that's my livelihood, right?

00:06:01:19 - 00:06:32:12
Andy Richardson
Is running a company. And so I've, I've really taken to LinkedIn this year, and, and social media, is something that I just started doing. I do it like twice a week. And so the reason I'm bringing all that up is, trying to market the company has been a big factor. I'm trying to think my, my point of some of this, kind of went down a weird road with some of that because, I guess you were asking me about individually.

00:06:32:12 - 00:06:35:03
Madeline Richardson
Yes. How do you think you've grown individually?

00:06:35:05 - 00:07:04:06
Andy Richardson
Yeah. I mean, I guess my point of all of that was I've really made some changes with the company, right? That I think have helped a lot. So I'm jumping ahead to 2096. But my point is that there's a lot of, it's all interrelated, like the company in my personal life. And then I kind of got sidetracked a little bit on the LinkedIn because talking about social media, and I was thinking about a few posts that I had written, that was my point of that.

00:07:04:06 - 00:07:38:07
Andy Richardson
And I've written recently on LinkedIn about. So kind of looking back, written recently about like, I wrote one that got a lot of impressions on it was, I took it took me seven years to take two days off. Was the name of the, like, the headline or whatever. And it was a funny headline, I think. But the point of it is, you know, I was talking to somebody at Charlie's wedding, and he said, you know, I've worked my whole career to get to this point of being able to take the month of December off.

00:07:38:07 - 00:08:00:12
Andy Richardson
And I told him why it took me seven years to take these two days off thing. And so I was like, oh, there's a LinkedIn post right there. And so, that's what I did. I wrote a LinkedIn post. So that's why that's why I mentioned LinkedIn and how that tied in. But it's a big part of how I've grown because as the company and some of the improvements we've made at the company have allowed me to also grow.

00:08:00:12 - 00:08:24:28
Andy Richardson
Right. And so bringing in, we brought in a project executive this year, you know, his name is Paul, and we, brought we elevated several of the project engineers to project managers. And so now Paul is overseeing those project managers. And so that's the first time since 2022 that we've done that. So that's a lot about 2096.

00:08:24:28 - 00:08:35:24
Andy Richardson
And but it's had an impact on me personally because it's allowed me to take the time off for Charlie's wedding. And Charlie was a guest on the podcast.

00:08:35:24 - 00:08:36:10
Madeline Richardson
He was.

00:08:36:10 - 00:08:37:29
Andy Richardson

00:08:38:01 - 00:08:39:06
Madeline Richardson
Go further into guest two.

00:08:39:08 - 00:08:57:16
Andy Richardson
So there's a there's a hat tip to that episode. And then also, so yeah, that was a big part of and also we're going to take off next week. I'm going to Banff. So, we're in Canada with my wife, with her. And that's your mom.

00:08:57:16 - 00:09:00:14
Madeline Richardson
So really. Yeah.

00:09:00:17 - 00:09:19:15
Andy Richardson
And so that's, that's a big part of it too, spending time with her, that's the personal side of it, you know, you and making promises to do the business. And now you're able to, you know, we hear so much I guess that's a trend in 2024. We hear so much about quote unquote work life balance. Right. And it's almost humorous because we hear so much about it.

00:09:19:15 - 00:09:39:28
Andy Richardson
I mean, I didn't hear that when I was starting out like that was never talked about. It was get the job done and work your tail off was the mentality. So now we hear a mentality of work life balance and I like that mentality. I think we should have that. Of course, there's an entire debate and discussion just about that topic.

00:09:39:29 - 00:09:40:24
Madeline Richardson
Oh yeah, definitely.

00:09:40:27 - 00:10:05:10
Andy Richardson
We could have. So so I would say I've achieved some of that. I've achieved more personal life and making that a priority. You know, with my wife, with my family, with my kids. But there's a challenges with that because I'm a, a man who I do like to work, and I struggle with that sometimes, like working too much sometimes and and being basically a workaholic.

00:10:05:10 - 00:10:45:07
Andy Richardson
So it's, it's a, it's a battle. So that's a little bit about me personally and a little bit about the company. Looking back, not everything, but those are some big points. The project managers, project executives were a big part of the company that I wanted to talk about, and I do think that helps us kind of spotlighting the company 96 for a minute, that helps us, better serve our clients, because if you have a hub and spoke model, which is what 2096 was, a hub and spoke model basically means that one person and one guy is at the middle of that wheel.

00:10:45:14 - 00:10:50:15
Madeline Richardson
Oh yeah. I remember when you couldn't go 24 hours without a whole bunch of issues happening. Yeah.

00:10:50:18 - 00:11:01:01
Andy Richardson
So, so yeah, I mean, have you seen any big impact? I mean, looking at me objectively, have you seen anything with me or with 26 over the past year?

00:11:01:03 - 00:11:20:15
Madeline Richardson
With 20, 96? I think that the company has grown significantly. I not in it too much because I'm not an engineer or anything like that. But I've seen like, you've hired a couple new people, have feels left. It's just, you know, it's flown like a business. But I think I've seen a difference in that. You don't seem as stress as you used to be.

00:11:20:15 - 00:11:35:04
Madeline Richardson
Like even this time last year, it just feels like you. You are. You always have this level of tension on you. I feel like I haven't seen that as much on you, now that you've hired some people. But it it always fluctuates. But yeah, that that's about to the extent I've seen it with the company.

00:11:35:06 - 00:12:01:17
Andy Richardson
Yeah. Well, thanks for noticing that. I mean, and it's, it's not easy. I mean, because hiring people is challenging. I mean, you have to make payroll and you have to, you know, hire people, to talk to people. Yeah. So, yeah, those are all things to do. I mean, we're a, you know, this is our tiny little office here, our studio.

00:12:01:24 - 00:12:25:06
Andy Richardson
We've constructed this studio. And one thing that's cool is the studio. You can see it evolving, right? Like, oh, yeah, the podcast studio from episode one, episode six. And now I guess whatever episode this is going to number out at. But, the point of that is this is our office. Now, we have a seat over here for, Harold comes in or Paul comes in, and then my seat is over here.

00:12:25:06 - 00:12:34:15
Andy Richardson
But we're we're in the studio is in the office, and we condense down to one room. We have a lounge over here, too. But the point is.

00:12:34:17 - 00:12:40:07
Madeline Richardson
We used to just work in a little hole in the wall because, there's some hallway. Yeah, there's one fluorescent light in it.

00:12:40:09 - 00:12:44:12
Andy Richardson
Yeah. Did you have a window? Now I have a window, so, yeah. We'll upgrade. I don't know.

00:12:44:12 - 00:12:47:14
Madeline Richardson
Why you chose to work in that little, little hole in the wall.

00:12:47:16 - 00:13:07:10
Andy Richardson
Yeah, I guess I actually like dark and I liked it. I don't know, I'm kind of weird, like, I guess I'm an engineer. The. There was a joke I saw once, about. I think it might have been a Dilbert. And I was like, okay, I'm going back to my sensory deprivation chamber, talking about his cubicle. So, yeah, I guess I got used to working in a cubicle.

00:13:07:10 - 00:13:28:23
Andy Richardson
And my first one of my first jobs, we I literally worked in a cubicle. So, I did experience that. But, yeah, we're a post-Covid remote company. What's the point of all that? Like, this is this is our office, but we have people that are, you know, we've made hires in the past year that, you know, we have now an engineer in Savannah, Georgia.

00:13:28:26 - 00:13:34:02
Andy Richardson
So we have a Savannah studio and we have an engineer in Columbia, South Carolina. So we have a.

00:13:34:04 - 00:13:35:13
Madeline Richardson
Columbia, South Carolina studio.

00:13:35:13 - 00:13:54:10
Andy Richardson
Columbia Studio, and we're in Beaufort, South Carolina. So we have a Beaufort studio, main office. And we're able to service much of South Carolina, but we also have Kansas City, Missouri, and we also have Logan, Utah, and we have people overseas. Partial as one of our project managers. And he's in India and he's done a great job.

00:13:54:12 - 00:14:25:07
Andy Richardson
And Daniela is in Romania. We have a few others that, that we work with that are also in India. And then my assistant Irina, who is in Mexico, actually, and then we brought in some other people as well. Jessica has come in recently and Ishani has come in. So those are some of the upgrades we've made to the company to help us, with engineering, with drafting, with also some of the administrative side of things.

00:14:25:10 - 00:14:33:03
Andy Richardson
Yeah. So those are some company updates. A little bit about me personally in terms of the balance, work life balance. Yeah. What do you want to talk about next?

00:14:33:10 - 00:14:42:07
Madeline Richardson
I guess next is the AEC in general. Over the year of 2024. So did you want me to read off of you or ask you questions?

00:14:42:09 - 00:14:49:00
Andy Richardson
Yeah. I mean, what were some of the we we use, we're using AI, which is one of the trends of 2024, right?

00:14:49:02 - 00:14:51:01
Madeline Richardson
It is. So I started reading a little bit.

00:14:51:04 - 00:15:03:00
Andy Richardson
Yeah. Okay. So we, we used ChatGPT to come up with some trends of 2024. So what are some of those trends that we saw in 2024. Maybe that to hit on a little bit.

00:15:03:02 - 00:15:04:11
Madeline Richardson
You just read off of it.

00:15:04:13 - 00:15:06:16
Andy Richardson
Yeah. Just hit the first. What's the first one there?

00:15:06:19 - 00:15:17:15
Madeline Richardson
I guess that would be oh it's it's setting like if you wanted to talk about in podcast format,

00:15:17:17 - 00:15:26:22
Madeline Richardson
So I. The growing role of BIM 360 and digital twins in project design and execution.

00:15:26:24 - 00:15:58:02
Andy Richardson
Okay. Yeah. So what is a digital twin? BIM three 6360 so IBM 360 is a, Autodesk product. BIM is building information modeling. And the idea is that your, so you could say was 3D, but it's more than just 3D modeling. Right. So BIM is building information modeling. So the beam nose is a beam and a wall nose is a wall.

00:15:58:02 - 00:16:24:08
Andy Richardson
And so it's parametric if that makes sense. So these are kind of high level concepts. But it's definitely a trend in 2024. And and before that I mean BIM is not new in 2024 I think this cloud aspect is newer right? We're seeing more of this cloud aspect where BIM 360 is using the cloud model and more and more using collaboration online.

00:16:24:08 - 00:16:50:07
Andy Richardson
So the structural consulting, the architectural consultants are working in a collaborative way, in a digital corridor. Right. Which is what we're doing at 2096 with the what I call a post-Covid remote company. And but, you know, when you have consultants working for you or even employees that are working with you, that are remote, right. And so now we can work through this cloud.

00:16:50:14 - 00:17:12:04
Andy Richardson
So that's a big part of it. And then this idea of a digital twin is an interesting concept right. So what it's talking about is how we can build this model that is basically the building. It's very close to what the I this is my way of saying I'm a structural engineer. I'm not a like Revit guru or anything.

00:17:12:04 - 00:17:21:18
Andy Richardson
Right. But the idea is that this model is a twin of the actual constructed building.

00:17:21:21 - 00:17:23:07
Madeline Richardson
That sounds really interesting actually. Yeah.

00:17:23:08 - 00:17:48:02
Andy Richardson
So yeah. So it's identical. So like with and then it ties into the concept of AR, which is not Andy Richardson. It's, it's Oh shoot. Augmented reality okay. So like want one application of the digital twin. Not not the only thing about the digital twin, but one application of the digital twin is you can use like AR glasses.

00:17:48:04 - 00:17:53:12
Andy Richardson
Right. And you can go out to the field and see the beams.

00:17:53:14 - 00:17:54:01
Madeline Richardson
That sounds really.

00:17:54:01 - 00:18:06:00
Andy Richardson
Interesting that you design and like, okay, let's say, for example, of this room right here, there was a column sitting right here that was proposed. Well, you can put those glasses on and see, okay, there's the column right there.

00:18:06:03 - 00:18:09:20
Madeline Richardson
So it's like an AI generated type thing where you can see.

00:18:09:23 - 00:18:20:10
Andy Richardson
Well I could I could play into that. But it's a AR as a augmented reality. So I'm seeing this blue carpet. But I also see that new column column they're added in. So that's called.

00:18:20:10 - 00:18:23:14
Madeline Richardson
Augmented. So digitally it adds it in okay. Yeah.

00:18:23:14 - 00:18:33:21
Andy Richardson
So a lot of these technologies are definitely coming along. Yeah. So that's a little bit about BIM 360. What are some of the other trends we're seeing.

00:18:33:23 - 00:18:45:24
Madeline Richardson
We have how firms are using these tools to I guess we just talked about that. How are using these different tools BIM and, digital twins.

00:18:45:27 - 00:18:46:20
Andy Richardson
Yeah. What's the visual.

00:18:46:21 - 00:18:47:13
Madeline Richardson
Design like the.

00:18:47:13 - 00:18:48:19
Andy Richardson
Next bullet point.

00:18:48:21 - 00:18:54:12
Madeline Richardson
Automation and AI and design and construction. So I guess we kind of hit on that a little bit.

00:18:54:14 - 00:19:24:02
Andy Richardson
Yeah. I mean, I in general, I mean, we, we joked about how we used I mean, you're seeing AI so much, but I think specifically it was hitting on the point of AI and design. I mean, everybody is using AI now, whether it's ChatGPT, perplex, i.t. I just got a 16 iPhone, so it's got AI in the like, I can do a, I can type out like, a post on LinkedIn or something and start like a post and then hit rewrite and or rewrite it for me.

00:19:24:05 - 00:19:47:11
Andy Richardson
That is interesting inside of the notes app. So that's a big a big game changer or maybe an email. But that's a game changer because it's in the notes app, like it's in the app itself and then the iPhone. So I don't know how that's going to impact things. But that's separate from the, the whole AI discussion is separate from the idea of or specific to design, right.

00:19:47:11 - 00:20:10:10
Andy Richardson
Like using AI and design. So like, you know, tell ChatGPT to design a beam for me. Right. And I've seen it's not ready for that personally. Now, maybe it's my prompting because part of AI is prompting being a quote unquote prompt engineer. And did you prompt it correctly? Well, maybe I did it right. And so you do have to prompt it correctly.

00:20:10:13 - 00:20:23:02
Andy Richardson
Or like if you're an architect or a contractor looking up the correct codes, I mean, I saw an application where I think I might have mentioned this on a previous episode where I looked up the handrail heights.

00:20:23:04 - 00:20:23:20
Madeline Richardson
Oh, okay.

00:20:23:21 - 00:20:55:02
Andy Richardson
And things and chat GPT or maybe perplexity provided those handrail heights. So those are some AI things. Yeah. And but like, I know one thing that is interesting to me also is like, AC and I believe it was I believe it was AC it might have been the yeah, the CAA and the Structural Engineers Association, they, these are organizations.

00:20:55:05 - 00:20:59:26
Madeline Richardson
Yeah. These are some familiar because I've seen the logos around on your different flags.

00:20:59:26 - 00:21:28:25
Andy Richardson
Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's interesting to me is these, these organizations have collaborated and they are pushing forward on AI. I guess they're looking at how AI is going to impact things. They're actually creating like coalitions and initiatives to work through these things. So, we'll see. I think it's going to continue on in 2025. Design and with AI, it's going to be a big deal.

00:21:28:27 - 00:21:36:21
Andy Richardson
I do think it's going to be an impact and it's going to be a big deal. AI is not going away, in my opinion. And it's we just have to figure out how to use it.

00:21:36:23 - 00:21:54:01
Madeline Richardson
You see it in all fields now. You see it in writing. You see in art, which I think that automated art is the worst because it takes the personality and the life out of it, but you see it everywhere. You can even cheat on your homework with it or don't do that, kids. But I mean, and then design.

00:21:54:01 - 00:21:55:01
Madeline Richardson
I guess it's coming along too.

00:21:55:01 - 00:22:01:06
Andy Richardson
So yeah. Okay. Awesome. What else do we have? Any other the next maybe one neat.

00:22:01:09 - 00:22:03:27
Madeline Richardson
3D printing and modular builds.

00:22:04:00 - 00:22:27:26
Andy Richardson
Okay. I mean, modular is not anything new. 3D printing. I think it could be interesting. I've seen, you know, different things on like, like LinkedIn about 3D printing. I haven't really seen it come to fruition. You know, any jobs I've done. But definitely modular isn't anything new. And, I think it's it's a good concept and it has some pros and cons, you know.

00:22:27:26 - 00:22:52:04
Andy Richardson
Yeah, we're we're actually doing a modular build that just we just got a contract for now where it's a pretty good sized modular project on Hilton Head Island with an architect and, core Atkins. And, thanks for Atkins. We have a I think we have, a episode with those guys coming up soon. So there's a looking forward as far.

00:22:52:05 - 00:22:53:20
Madeline Richardson
Looking forward to 2025.

00:22:53:23 - 00:23:20:24
Andy Richardson
But we're doing a modular build and it's an interesting project I think. So I don't know if wherever I mean I've not done one like this before where basically they're taking the steel frame. Okay. And inside of the steel frame we're putting these modular units, these almost shoeboxes of houses or apartments, if you will, and those are getting slid in and then kind of screwed or fastened somehow to the steel frame.

00:23:20:27 - 00:23:36:21
Andy Richardson
So this is one of the most unique projects I work on in a long time. So that's an application of modular construction, not what you would normally see. And, you know, a little bit about modular construction, I do. Yeah. Well, what what kind of house do you live in?

00:23:36:23 - 00:23:41:03
Madeline Richardson
I live in a modular house. Yeah. So because I didn't I didn't put two and two together.

00:23:41:10 - 00:23:49:29
Andy Richardson
Yeah. There you go. So we actually live in a modular home. And so we know a lot about modular construction. So we know the pros and we know a few.

00:23:50:02 - 00:23:50:17
Madeline Richardson

00:23:50:24 - 00:23:53:15
Andy Richardson
So okay so that's oh go ahead.

00:23:53:22 - 00:24:05:23
Madeline Richardson
I'm sorry I guess the next next step in the podcast would be looking forward. Do we have any high points we want to hit next year or anything we want to improve on guest wise. Topic wise anything you.

00:24:05:26 - 00:24:29:27
Andy Richardson
Yeah, I mean obviously we want to keep this thing going. We've hit six so congratulations. High five. Boom. And I know like some people of 2096 and we hit our six episode. So this should be like a celebration moment right. And which I think there was I was going to look up the percentage. I think there's like a low percentage that you even hit like 6 or 10.

00:24:29:29 - 00:24:34:25
Andy Richardson
So we want to definitely hit ten. But I'm my goal is to hit 100. I mean, and then what happens when we hit 100.

00:24:34:25 - 00:24:36:07
Madeline Richardson
Well we hit 106.

00:24:36:08 - 00:24:53:15
Andy Richardson
Yeah. We'll keep going. But you know I want to I want to do this. I mean, I think it's, it we're learning, what what it means and we're, you know, learning how to do these episodes. And, I mean, I'm not I'm not Joe Rogan, you know.

00:24:53:17 - 00:24:54:09
Madeline Richardson
No. Know.

00:24:54:11 - 00:25:17:01
Andy Richardson
I mean, still got a little bit of hair and, not quite as big as him, but built as him, but, but I like I obviously like, you know, what he does and the energy he brings. It's a popular show, but I want to do what we said in the very first episode. I want to inspire people, I want to educate people, and I want to.

00:25:17:03 - 00:25:19:25
Andy Richardson

00:25:19:28 - 00:25:21:00
Madeline Richardson
And if the world around you.

00:25:21:01 - 00:25:38:16
Andy Richardson
Well, we want to enhance work around you, but that's the inspiration. I want to inspire, educate and entertain. We want to help people have fun. Right? So and we want to inspire through that enhanced concept. Right. Like the what are we doing to make making the world a little bit better. So I think we're doing that through this podcast in some ways, right.

00:25:38:16 - 00:25:47:24
Andy Richardson
We're getting the word out about some things and sharing our lessons, maybe through this very episode, somebody learn something about, you know, something we talked about.

00:25:47:24 - 00:25:49:26
Madeline Richardson
I, I most definitely did. Yeah.

00:25:49:28 - 00:26:10:00
Andy Richardson
There you go. And, you know, we're just having a little bit of fun, too. So this is holiday bonus. And we're, we're doing the looking back looking forward. So yeah, looking forward. For the podcast itself, I would say we want to keep doing what we're doing in a lot of ways, but I want to kick it up a notch in some other ways too.

00:26:10:00 - 00:26:31:29
Andy Richardson
I mean, let's get some. You know, I want to I think we've got some great guests that we've talked to, but I want to find some more great guests and, you know, maybe some influencers that could, you know, get our word out there even more. And I do think that, you know, we've experimented with, like, the technical bonus that will be coming out.

00:26:32:01 - 00:26:33:21
Madeline Richardson
Probably before this episode.

00:26:33:26 - 00:26:39:25
Andy Richardson
Oh, it comes out before this one? No, actually, it's anyway, I don't know, it's coming out after or before this.

00:26:39:29 - 00:26:40:10
Madeline Richardson
Coming out of.

00:26:40:10 - 00:27:00:04
Andy Richardson
Italy, we have a technical bonus that we've done. And it's. So we're going to we're showing that we're willing to dig down into more of the technical stuff. Now that I call a technical bonus, because I don't want people to think like, this is what we're doing. And this is called a holiday bonus, because I don't want people to think this is what we're doing either.

00:27:00:04 - 00:27:19:14
Andy Richardson
I want people to realize, like, hey, this is just a an experimental episode, and we're just trying something out so that that's, what we're willing to do is try to do new things. But our standard format is going to continue to be have a guest on here, find out about what they do and try to learn from them.

00:27:19:14 - 00:27:42:00
Andy Richardson
Try to get an entertain from them a little bit, but really also find out what drives them, you know, and that's what we want to keep doing. Right. And I've got some big goals for, you know, like growing the show and so forth. But I think in order to do that, we keep grinding it and, and keep publishing one every two weeks is our goal.

00:27:42:02 - 00:27:45:25
Madeline Richardson
That is the goal. So I guess we hit all the major high points we were planning on.

00:27:45:25 - 00:27:57:07
Andy Richardson
So yeah, I mean, I guess for, looking forward for the podcast itself, was there anything else that we want to hit on in terms of, you know, 2096 ATC or the podcast for looking forward?

00:27:57:09 - 00:27:59:10
Madeline Richardson
Not that I can think of.

00:27:59:13 - 00:28:23:06
Andy Richardson
Okay. Sounds good. Well, yeah, I mean, and this wasn't meant to be a long episode necessarily. So I think, you know, we definitely hit some of those things. I definitely wanted to say, you know, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and thank you for listening to the episode and to enhance. And if you have ideas for us, let us know.

00:28:23:06 - 00:28:26:07
Andy Richardson
If you want to be a guest, let us know.

00:28:26:09 - 00:28:32:09
Madeline Richardson
Well, it's been a great episode and I hope just I guess not hope, but I look forward to seeing you next time.

00:28:32:12 - 00:28:34:14
Andy Richardson
All right. Take care everybody. God bless.

00:28:34:14 - 00:28:43:26
Madeline Richardson
Hey everybody, thanks for listening to today's episode of enhance and please leave a like or subscribe or follow and we'll see you next time.

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